Government Policy and Procurement
TasICT is pleased to work closely in partnership with our ICT Ministers office and the Department of Treasury. We represent the feedback and interests of our members to enable strong collaboration and mutually beneficial outcomes.We have highlighted below the key resources provided by the Tasmanian Government to all industry members to ensure a strong understanding of the key elements of engagement.
Tenders Web Site
This site: provides notification for new tenders and awarded contracts across all agencies under The Crown of Tasmania. Members can subscribe to this site to receive notifications.
Economic and Social Benefits Statement
This statement gives the opportunity to demonstrate the positive impact on the Tasmanian economy and wider community of being awarded a contract. This statement will contribute a minimum of 25% towards the opportunity evaluation score.
Tasmanian Industry Participation Plan
This is required for all procurements over $5M and for some lower value nominatedprocurements. Detail provided in the above Economic and Social Benefits Statement maybe used. The intent of this plan is to maximise opportunities for local suppliers.
Evaluation and Scoring Matrix and Reporting
These documents allow you to see the structure and process that agencies work through in reviewing industry submissions. You are able to have a debrief if unsuccessful, and feedback based on these frameworks allow you see opportunities for development.
If you have any queries or would like support to engage with the Tasmanian Government, please contact TasICT at