
Do you undertake Research and Development?

Are you seeking the latest information and insights about claiming software R&D activities – noting regulators have focussed attention on software development claims recently, with new guidance, tax alerts and regulatory audits/reviews. Those submitting claims need to be aware about issues, myths, risks and processes to be aware of when compiling an R&D claim related…

Business Growth Opportunities – Hobart

Hobart has responded well to the introduction of access to fast broadband services over the nbn™ broadband access network with many businesses already realising many of the benefits. Local businesses that have connected to the nbn™ access network are more easily engaging global markets and increasing their competitiveness. Recently the Regional Australia Institute partnered with…

How Will The “Rise of the Machines” Transform Jobs in Your Region?

Regional Australia Institute September 3 2018 Regional communities now have access to information that shows which jobs are likely to change due to automation – specific to their own workforce – following the release today of new data from the Regional Australia Institute (RAI). The RAI’s latest work identifies medical practitioners, nurses and school teachers as just…