Insider Risk Expert Dr Deanna Caputo of MITRE to Keynote 2024 TasICT Cyber Security Conference

A leading expert on detecting insider risks and cyber spies, Dr Deanna Caputo will keynote at the 2024 TasICT Cyber Security Conference in Hobart on August 1.

Dr Caputo is Chief Scientist for Insider Threat Research & Solutions for MITRE, a not-for-profit that works to address the most complex national security challenges and is regularly relied upon by U.S. government departments and critical infrastructure operators to advise on protection from cyber espionage and crime.

As a Senior Principal Behavioral Psychologist at MITRE, Dr Caputo has worked for more than 25 years to combine research in behavioural, cyber, and data sciences to more effectively deter, detect, and mitigate insider risks and threats.

MITRE has developed rigorous data-driven frameworks, indicators, methodologies, mitigations, operational successes, and thought leadership to reduce the risk from harmful employee activities inside organisations. 

Dr Caputo’s visit to Australia comes as an increasing number of Australian businesses have an opportunity to help manage critical infrastructure as third-party subcontractors, and work with government on sensitive or classified projects.

Her research uses an understanding of behavioural sciences to allow technology and systems managers to detect when an enterprise, government department or business may be at risk of an insider attack.

An insider threat could include a rogue employee acting in spite or for profit, theft or misuse of proprietary or private citizen data, or deliberate industrial or foreign-state espionage.

Research and evidence-based findings have been drawn from exclusive access to insider threat data, programs, and communities – Dr Caputo herself was the only researcher trusted to lead the four-year curation and analysis of all the Project Slammer data from 45 convicted spies to develop the first data-driven psycho-social insider risk indicators.

At the 2024 TasICT Cyber Security conference on 1 August 2024 in Hobart, Dr Caputo will focus especially on:

  • Proactively Finding Insider Risks and Cyber Spies – Indicators from behavioral sequences, evasion, and get-away activities (exfiltration)
  • Understanding Economic Espionage Recruitment Attempts on Common Social Media – Reporting study focused on the use of the LinkedIn platform to recruit company employees to steal information
  • Tips for Cyber-securing Your Workforce – Skills-based training to recognise and report cyber malicious approaches and elicitations

REGISTRATIONS OPEN: TasICT is proud to welcome Dr Caputo to Australia – hurry places are strictly limited and registrations for the Cyber Conference in Hobart on 1 August 2024 will definitely sell out. More information at