Tasmanian tech delivers for public services at TasICT Awards

Tasmanian government departments have scooped the awards at the 2024 TasICT Excellence Awards as projects unlock the benefits of new technology, including improving health services and disaster response.

Cutting-edge tech applications and communications projects received top gongs for their focus on modernising health delivery, providing improved patient care and helping emergency services become more responsive and efficient in the face of increased frequency of natural disasters.

Best ICT Application judged by a panel of industry experts went to Ambulance Tasmania’s Online Medication System (ATOMS) – a new digital system that has replaced hundreds of legacy paper registers with an accurate online portal that delivers significant efficiency for paramedics and reduces time-consuming paperwork. 

ICT President’s Award presented by David Mills went to Telstra for the Tasmanian Government Radio Network which has allowed eight emergency response agencies for the first time to use the same statewide communications network helping co-ordinate more efficient disaster response.

A record number of entries were received showcasing a thriving tech industry that contributes more than $1.7b to the Tasmanian economy annually and covers more than 9,500 employees.

TasICT General Manager Russell Kelly said a focus on science, technology and the digital economy would help the government continue to improve public services and unlock value for Tasmanians.

“The award winners show that investing in tech helps government deliver on core services that the public expects – and we have only scratched the surface of what’s achievable.”

  • Best ICT Application – Ambulance Tasmania Online Medication System (ATOMS) – Ambulance Tasmania has replaced hundreds of legacy paper registers with a secure, accurate online portal that delivers significant efficiency for paramedics and reduces time-consuming paperwork.
  • President’s Award – Telstra – Tasmanian Government Radio Network Project – Eight Tasmanian emergency management services now use the same radio communications network statewide. The network delivers a single, unified and digitally encrypted radio communication system providing seamless communications in times of disaster response. See https://www.tasgrn.tas.gov.au/

All Award Winners

  • Exporter of the Year – Scoot Boot Pty Ltd – Scoot Boot manufactures and exports equine hoof boots, accessories and equine apparel, and exports to more than 100 countries. It brings equine shoeing into the 21st-century offering protection and traction for barefoot horses, including the launch of a new app.  See https://au.scootboots.com/
  • ICT Employment OpportunitiesISW Graduate Program – ISW has been a driving force in the Tasmanian ICT industry for 28 years, consistently creating and developing employment opportunities for Tasmanians, including through its current IT graduate program. 
  • Student of the YearThi Kim Hue Nguyen (Amber Nguyen)  – Amber recently graduated with a Master of Information Technology and Systems, specialising in Artificial Intelligence and Data Intelligence and ICT Research from UTAS. She received a graduate job offer from Hydro Tasmania six months before her graduation, serving as a role model for international students and is now working at Hydro Tasmania as a Graduate IT Analyst.
  • Contribution of a Tasmanian WomanDr Tristan Richards – Tristan is well known for warm, outgoing, and generous nature. She is deeply passionate about professional and ICT career development opportunities, diversity, and inclusion, whilst enabling the development of a rich innovative talent pipeline for data, digital and cyber security professionals. She currently leads Digital Workforce Capability Development within the Department of Premier and Cabinet (Tasmania).
  • Best Digital Inclusion InitiativeTasmanian Schools and Colleges Digital Careers Pathways Initiative – The Pathways Initiative is a collaboration between the Beacon Foundation, Department for Education, Children, and Young People and the Tasmanian State Service Digital Careers Campaign aimed at engaging young people, teachers and schools and raising awareness of how digital and ICT skills can aid in broadening the career pathways and employment options for young people in Tasmania.
  • Best Cyber Security InitiativeTasTAFE Cyber Innovation Training Hub – TasTAFE’s recently completed Cyber Innovation Training Hub presents a state-of-the-art immersive learning experience in cyber security. The Hub includes a simulated Security Operations Centre to support training in preventing, detecting, analysing, and responding to cyber security incidents.
  • Industry Rising Star – Ollie Reynolds – Ollie Reynolds began with Huon Aquaculture as an IT Support Officer in early 2022 and he demonstrated a strong desire to get a start in the IT industry having previously worked as a baker. He is self-taught and earned his TAFE qualifications before making the career shift.
  • Best ICT Partnership – Indicium Dynamics and Sustainable Timber Tasmania for Forest Foresight – The partnership between Sustainable Timber Tasmania and Indicium Dynamics uses remote cameras and Artificial Intelligence to spot potential bush fires allowing emergency services to respond more quickly.  See https://www.indicium.cloud/indicium-projects-23/project-forest-foresight
  • Best Delivery of ICT Project – Tasmanian Department of Health – State-wide eReferrals Project – The project has brought patient referrals into the digital age, with more than 60,000 eReferrals in its first 12 months. The system has replaced legacy referral methods, which included patient safety concerns around incomplete, illegible and misplaced referrals as well as risks to sensitive patient information transmission. See https://www.premier.tas.gov.au/site_resources_2015/additional_releases/more-tasmanians-getting-medical-treatment-sooner-thanks-to-online-ereferral-system