TasICT calls for government to Embrace Artificial Intelligence

Tasmanians can expect more use of Artificial Intelligence in government following a national tick of approval on Friday – and public servants need a crash course in how to use it ethically, says TasICT.

Tasmania’s technology sector has welcomed the decision of Data and Digital Ministers in Darwin on Friday adopting a national framework to green light the use of AI in the public service.

Governments adopted the draft national framework to ensure the use of AI systems in high-risk settings was safe and reliable, while use in low-risk settings ‘can continue largely unimpeded’. See Data and Digital Ministers Communique and the National Framework For The Assurance of Artificial Intelligence in Government

General Manager of TasICT Russell Kelly said that Artificial Intelligence and in particular generative AI like OpenAI’s Chat-GPT and Microsoft’s Copilot were undergoing enormous uptake in Tasmania including in government and business.

“TasICT encourages the State Government to embrace technology innovation including AI with an ethical, responsible, and safe implementation. Ministers and department heads must ensure all staff have adequate training, and that these technologies are used in a manner that protects privacy, promotes fairness, avoids harm and advances the common good.”

Mr Kelly said that while the tech industry supported the use of ethical AI, it was important the State Government provided support and training for public servants at all levels on how to use it correctly.

The ICT Industry in Tasmania is quickly developing the capability to help governments and business navigate AI.

“The public should also know in what circumstances AI is being used, and if a government communication has been generated by AI that should be clearly identified.”

Mr Kelly said it was important for Tasmania to have a dedicated Minister for Science, Technology and the Digital Economy to seize the opportunities of technology for Tasmanians.