Digital inclusion and literacy

Tasmanian Labor Media Release

Key Points

A Rebecca White Labor Government will deliver more digital support, literacy instruction, education and connectivity by leveraging our Online Access Centre network.

Labor has fought for the Online Access Centre network over the past decade of Liberal Government.  We know how important these digital services are in our regional communities, and we will strengthen them.

Labor’s Plan will:

  • Transfer the Online Access Centre network to a Digital Inclusion division of the Department of Premier and Cabinet
  • Increase funding for Online Access Centres
  • Transfer responsibility for the Digital Grants Program to the Digital Inclusion division at the Department of Premier and Cabinet
  • Strengthen Online Access Centre through best practice and compliance

Why we need to do more

After ten years of the Liberals, the Online Access Network has been ignored and underfunded.

Labor knows how important these digital services are in our regional communities, and we will strengthen them

Online Access Centre volunteers contribute $5.67 for every $1 of current State Government funding- based solely on their volunteer contribution, but funding has not increase in the past decade.

Meanwhile, Tasmania continues to be the most digitally excluded state in Australia, consistently scoring the lowest in the Australian Digital Inclusion Index, and scoring lowest on each of the three dimensions of digital inclusion: access, affordability and digital ability.

A Labor Government will value our Online Access Centre network and support it to help Tasmanians with digital literacy.

The details

A Rebecca White Labor Government will transfer the management and ongoing oversight of the Online Access Centre network from Libraries Tasmania (in the Department for Education, Children and Young People) to a Digital Inclusion division in the Department of Premier and Cabinet.

Labor will increase funding to the Online Access Centre network to $1.5 million a year and will strengthen the network through undertaking best practice and compliance.

A Labor Government will also fund the development and delivery of programs and activities through the Digital Grants Program that will genuinely drive outcomes in digital connection, instruction, education and inclusiveness